Why does anyone want to vote for Trump?

Ian Kallen
2 min readOct 31, 2020
The Trump Cult Gathers In Praise Of Their Dear Leader

Why does anyone want four more years of the chaos and division under Trump?

I occasionally tune into Fox as well as read Breitbart, Redstate, Federalist and Gateway Pundit to try understanding if there’s a narrative where Trumpism isn’t just racist, xenophobic, misogynistic and homo/trans-phobic. And there is more to it than that; it’s a mistake to oversimplify it.

There’s paranoia that professionals in government roles (“the deep state”) are in secret canals; musta thought Nicholas Cage really does need to steal the constitution to protect it or something. The paranoia extends to journalism, science and other areas of academia. Of course there are faults in those institutions, they are generally self-correcting albeit sometimes the corrections are slow and labored.

It’s the economy, stupid. Wait, who’s stupid? The stock market is not the economy but advances in the indexes are at the fore of many Trumpist’s lips. There’s also low taxes for the rich, trickle down economics, blah, blah, blah; despite the reality of worsening of income disparity and starvation of safety nets. There are the scare words like Socialism/Communism/Marxism because, ya know, private sector driven health care is doing such a great job covering us all with care we need and can afford. And in general corruption in the private sector Is less pervasive than in the public (um, where to begin with that falsehood).

It really can’t be for Christian virtues such as family values (let’s just ask Stormy Daniels about that) or feeding the hungry (he’d rather let them starve).

While Jesus preached love, forgiveness, humility, and acceptance, President Trump is the essence of selfishness, narcissism, hate and divisiveness.

What about Israel? We’re further away from a two-state solution than we’ve been in years.

Layer on top the perpetual persecution grievance that Trump constantly spouts, it feeds and amplifies those narratives.

So, essentially, Trumpism feeds off of stupidity as well as bigotry. Trump has buttressed a Cult of Personality on his celebrity to support this mish mash (sorry, I can’t bring myself to dignify it by calling it an ideology).

There’s a whole different trust and honesty rabbit hole too if we get into the phony whataboutisms, projections, deflections and lies. And once you start going down that Hunter Biden hole of nothingburgers, you’re back in another dumb Nicholas Cage movie.

If for no other reason, Trump must be voted out because his pursuit of a herd immunity will kill at least a million (likely two million) Americans before there’s adequate vaccine delivery in 2021 and 2022. We have to gird ourselves; all of the data says that the beginning of the end of the regime commences on Tuesday. But doubt is being laid all over those echo chambers. And ignorance, paranoia and bigotry will still be here.



Ian Kallen

Whiskey swillin', card marking pirate and foul mouthed beyond hope. I tweet on my behalf. Usually when I'm closing browser tabs.